How thoughts affect our life:The science behind thoughts

Thoughts are simply a form of energy. We all are vibrating at a particular frequency all the time and  by thinking we are releasing energy in the universe. 

                According to the neuro science if we  think same thoughts again and again then it becomes a habit after some time. Because if we think about any particular thing again and again then our brain creates neuro pathways to it and that thing manifests in our life. 

        "Every person is living in his manifested outcomes"                   

Because if we think about a particular thing again and again, then our all focus will go only on that thing and then that thing manifests in our life. You can understand this principle simply by the example of your own life. 

       Because you had focused on that particular thing or career in the past, that's why today you are that person, only because of your chain of thoughts. 

How to change our reality just by thinking:-

According to the neuro science same thoughts cause same choices. Same choices cause same action & behavior. 

      Means by making same choices we create same actions and same behavior. 

   This same behavior & actions cause same experiences. These same experiences cause same feelings. These same feelings keep us in  the same state of being. 


         But if we choose to think new thoughts then we shall have new choices. These new choices will cause new actions and behavior. This new behavior & actions will cause new experiences. These new experiences will cause new feelings. These new feelings will create a new state of being. 

By this process our life can be changed. 

Neuro scientist Dr. Joe dispenza says that our life can be changed by thought alone. But the only thing we have to do is that we have to change  current state of being. 

     Dr. Joe dispenza has proved this statement by himself. If We study about his past then we come to know that in his past his spine was almost broken by a accident. Doctors had said that he will have to live his remain life as a disable on a wheelchair. 

         But someone within Dr. Joe dispenza said that I will overcome and then he made a change by thought alone. 

          Dr. Joe says that if we imagine a new state of being that time our brain starts releasing new useful chemicals and because of this sooner state of being changes. 

           If we go deep into this then we find that in the ancient time Buddha had said "what you think you become"  

    Means our thoughts have power to make a change in our lives. 


      Do you know about the NLP ( Neuro linguistic Programming) science? This science says that we  can change our life by programming our subconscious mind. We can programm our mind using positive affirmations which are positive thoughts. So, thoughts are really so powerful. NLp says if we imagine ourselves a new being then we really become that person whatever we imagine. 

           This whole process is based on science because if we imagine something in visuals in our mind after repeating it a lot of times it goes in our subconscious mind and becomes a reality. 


    So we should take charge of our own thinking because  knowingly or unknowingly by thinking we are creating our destiny. Remember" you are going to be the same person what you think of yourself "

The only need is to observe our thoughts. If we observe our thoughts only then we can change them.

How we can make a change in our life by using our thoughts:-

#) Visualise yourself as the person what you want to be. 
#) Imagine yourself achieving your goals. 

Follow this process daily having sit a calm and peaceful place where you won't get disturb. Do this practice having closed your eyes. 
      After some days you will notice a change in your life. This is really helpful. 

Effects of thoughts on our life:-

Thoughts affect every area of our life. In your life  you might have noticed that you had  a good relationship with someone but after some time that relationship was broken. Do you know why this happened? 
            If we check this on the level of thoughts then we will find that after some time either you or that person had started thinking something that was not good enough. That's why the relationship was broken automatically because of the effect of thoughts. 
    Have you ever experienced this in your life? 


Conclusion is that our thoughts are really so powerful. We can change the world by our thoughts. We should work on our thoughts if those are not good enough. 
     Remember"Thoughts decide our destiny "