What is self love? Why and how we can love ourselves:-

 Self love means loving the self. Self love means accept the self as it is with all your flaws. Self love means not to care  what other people think about you. Self love means put yourself at first. Self love simply means embrace the little child within you as it is. If we love that small child all our problems will be solved automatically. 

Reasons why we should love ourselves:-

Increase self-esteem:-

If we love ourselves and accept ourselves as we are it will increase our self esteem. We shall feel more confident if we love ourselves. Our chances of success will increase in every area of our life because this whole fact is based on science. 

Heal diseases:-

If a person loves himself/herself that time his/her mind releases feel good chemicals. If we love ourselves then disease like cancer. This is 100% true. You can take example of many great souls who have healed themselves by self love and thought power. Some of them are " Louise L Hay, Dr. Joe dispenza etc. 

Attract good situations in life:-

If a person loves himself that time he releases love in the universe. The law of science is "what you give outside comes back to you".Then the love again comes to you in different forms. 

Improves every area of our life:-

Self love is such a powerful thing that it can create miracles in every area of our life. Self love makes you abundant in every area of your life. If a person really loves himself/herself can never deceive anyone. "If you are pure then only good will come to you, sooner or later".This is universal law. 

Ways to practice self love:-

Embrace all your flaws :-

Embrace all your flaws. Say all of them" I accept you as you are ".Do louise hay's mirror self love practice. Go in front of a mirror and say to yourself " I love you " and " Accept you as you are ".
                    If you embrace your flaws then you will find that all your problems have solved. 

Do what you love:-

Do what you love to do because if we do so then our brain releases feel good chemicals which are really useful for our growth in every area of our life. 

Eat healthy:-

Healthy food is necessary for a healthy mind and a healthy  body. Take care about of the food which you put in your body and your mind. If we eat food that is not good for our physical and mental health then it will cause uneasiness within you lt will low the level of your self love. 

Practice gratitude:-

If a person practice gratitude then he or she will always remain happy. Say thanks for  everything which you have got in your life. This will open doors of new opportunities for you. By practicing gratitude we feel light and joyous. 

Follow your passion:- 

If we follow our passion then our self esteem and self love will increase automatically. Our chances to succeed increase, a scientific study says like this. Because if a person follows his passion then his heart will always be with him. 

Meditate daily:-

Do meditation daily because if we meditate on daily basis then we will be able to see our thoughts. By practicing meditation we will be able to know what is going on inside our mind. It will put your mind in a state of peace. 

          "Practice this and experience it by yourself"