Self image can also be defined as how someone perceives and looks at themselves. Self image can be positive (such as strong confidence) or negative (such as low self-esteem). Self image can impact relationships, work, school, body image, ability to perform, ability to think and other areas.
Self-esteem is a feeling of being good about oneself, self-assured, full of integrity and sense of entitlement. They come from true self-knowledge. They are goals of personal development and growth.
How has self-esteem affected our lives?
"If you want to get a job, get a job. If you want a promotion, get a promotion. If you want a raise, you get a raise. But you don't get a raise to win a popularity contest, if you don't deserve the raise."
As people work on their self-esteem, they discover that they can achieve their goals. That there are goals that are important to them. They don't look to a higher power (God, parents, friends, teachers) for help to achieve those goals. Those are their goals and they don't need to ask for help. As their self-esteem increases, they develop other skills, like patience and discipline, that helps them achieve those goals.
The "Is your self-esteem good?" questions
Once you answer the self-esteem question (What is my self-esteem like? Why is it important to me? How can I improve my self-esteem?) think about these other questions:
• How do others see me?
• Do I agree with those perceptions?
• Do I feel I have the right to be who I am?
• Do I feel my skills are in-line with those perceptions?
• How confident am I that my strengths are important?
• Am I comfortable with me?
• Do I have a relationship with myself?
• Am I in control of my life?
• Can I solve problems on my own?
• Am I good at communicating my needs?
• Do I have good values and beliefs?
• Do I like who I am?
• Do I feel competent and like I have a purpose in life?
• Do I have an active and fulfilling life?
• Am I satisfied with my social and work life?
• Am I confident when I'm around people?
•Self-esteem builds confidence.
• When we are confident, we are able to pursue our goals, act confidently, and believe that we will be successful.
• Confidence is related to how we feel inside, and many people say that they are confident when they have "The Look." When people describe the "The Look" in my classes, they usually look out into the class and see lots of smiles and yes, some even saying they see glazed eyes.
Now back to the question, "Does your self-esteem improve your life?"
Yes, it does. It's okay to work on your self-esteem. Practice, believe, and not just talk, but truly believe in yourself. Create goals for yourself. Set goals to work on your self-esteem.