Namaskar !
In this article I am going to tell you about the power of self love so be with me till the end of this article.
In this world wherever something good is happening you may understand, that is the the result of love at that place. This all is happening because of love .
If somewhere something good is not happening then you may see ,there people are are so frustrated, they Jealous with each other and they hate with each other .
You will notice that there the level of love it So low. In the low level of love we see negative emotions like frustration, hate, jealousy , ego etc.
When the level of love increases we Express it by care , love and welfare of others
The true definition of self love:-
We talk about loving others and giving love others but by this way true love can't be experienced.
Today onwards you will understand that love can't be given or taken only we can live with it .
Always remember that any emotion can be felt only by you in the starting. You can't give directly it to other person. Whichever emotion you will have you will behave in the same way.
If you are filled with love then you will behave in loving manners with other persons. If you are filled with positive emotions then you will be positive and your life will become positive . But if you are filled with negative emotions then you will become a negative personality and your life will become negative.
True love means giving value to yourself.Accept yourself as you are.
If you are filled with positive thoughts and love yourself only thereafter you can express this love. Whatever you have you can offer only that to others.
The cause of lack of self love:-
As a child when we came in this world we used to love ourselves. We used to accept ourselves as we were. We used to love ourselves having seen our own face.
But as we grew up we had many different definitions of beauty that we should look like this, our body should be look like this. Like this should be your body and physique then you are beautiful.
But when we went infront of the mirror with these definitions of beauty, we didn't find ourselves fit in these definitions. From here we started hating ourselves and we felt anger, frustration and rejection increased within us.
We wanted to save ourselves from this negativity then we started criticizing ourselves for this. We took the help of the outer world to remove this negativity.
We took the help of photography .We took the help of beauty centre and we took the help of videography.
There we see lack with in us and tried to fullfill that lack with the help of outer world. We invested our time ,energy and money .But we didn't get the result, because we didn't accept ourselves then negative emotions started increasing within us.
We took the definition of success from the outer world and measured ourselves according to those definitions and when we found ourselves unfit in those definitions we started self rejecting ourselves.
The consequences of lack of self love :-
If you don't love yourself then the feeling of anger ,frustration and many more negative emotions will increase within you.When we start rejecting ourselves out selves from here our inner world will start getting worse.
If you want to do something big but if you are filled with negative emotions then you won't get succeed in your life.
Because if we are filled with negative emotions then we can't do something big because negative emotions always keep us in negative energy and that negative energy won't let you succeed.
But we can overcome all these negative emotions.We practice self love on a daily basis.
How to overcome negative emotions and start loving ourselves?
First if we were rejecting ourselves then we have to accept ourselves as we are . If we hated ourselves then we shall start loving ourselves . Acceptance is the first step of self love
In the childhood we had taken the definitions of beauty from the outer world and started hating to ourselves.
We have to start from here. Everyday we have to go infront of the mirror and having seen in our eyes we have to say I love you... I love you ......I love you..,............ I accept you.....,... I accept you.......... I accept you.,........
If you do this on a daily basis then after sometime you will notice that something was within you who was really unhappy, restless and alone. And who was feeling isolated. You will notice that he has started becoming calm day per day. He is becoming healthy day per day.
You will see that you are becoming more healthy day per day and level of your beauty is increasing day per day.Then you won't have to spend money in the outer world for such a thing like health, beauty etc.
Why self love is so important?
Self love is a beautiful thing.It is really so powerful.It is so important because it decides every aspect of our lives.We can give others to what we already have. If we don't love ourselves then how can we give love to others. Self love is also important because it increases our vibrational frequency.If our vibrational frequency is higher then we can attract the life of our dreams.
If we accept ourselves only then we shall accept others. If we love to ourselves only thereafter we shall be able to love others.
If we accept ourselves means we accept the creation. If we love ourselves means we love the god ,we love the entire universe.
Final words :-
You are unique. No one in the universe is like you . If you are rejecting yourself it means you are not only rejecting yourself but you are rejecting the entire existence. If you want to connect with the universe then first connect with yourself .
Start loving yourself . If you start loving yourself then you will Express this love in the outer world . The moment you connect with yourself that moment onwards you will connect with the Supreme Power and then your dreams will start full filling.
The mirror technique which I have shared with you, please do practice that on a daily basis that is really so powerful. If you practice this technique on a daily basis then you will definitely make a change in your life .
I know you have hard about Louise Hay ,she used to practice this technique with her clients .This technique is really so powerful .In the end I will say if we practice self love then we can create the life of our dreams.
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